再见Google Code,我要搬到Github
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8 years ago I started hosting my first open source project () on Google Code and I later ended up also hosting and . Back then GC had just been released and similarly to other Google products I appreciated the clean and minimalistic interface, the excellent bug tracker and the freedom to choose between different revision control systems (SVN, GIT and Mercurial, which is my favourite one). Unfortunately as the years passed Google completely lost interest in maintaining GC to the point that now GC can basically be considered an .  If you take a look at you can see literally hundreds of issues which have been open for years, even some apparently easy ones such as  and . The lack of interest from Google is absolutely astonishing and it is the main reason why I ultimately decided to change. After at least a couple of years of thinking about migrating to github I finally bite the bullet and as of today  (update: now also and ).

8年前,我开始在Google Code上托管我的第一个开源项目( ),后来又托管了和 。 当时,GC刚刚发布,与其他Google产品类似,我非常欣赏简洁的界面,出色的错误跟踪器以及可以在不同版本控制系统(SVN,GIT和Mercurial,这是我最喜欢的版本)之间进行选择的自由。 不幸的是,随着时间的流逝,Google完全失去了对维护GC的兴趣,以至于现在基本上可以将GC视为一个 。 如果您看一下您会发现数百年来已经打开的问题,甚至是一些看似简单的问题,例如 。 Google缺乏兴趣绝对令人惊讶,这是我最终决定进行更改的主要原因。 经过至少两年的考虑,我终于想迁移到github,直到今天 (更新:现在还包括和 )。

我最想念的关于GC的东西 ( What I will miss the most about GC)

First of all I must say that despite the unfortunate situation of GC I’m also sad for abandoning it. It started as a really great hosting platform, and it still has some peculiar aspects which I know I will be missing. In order of importance:
首先,我必须说,尽管GC处于不幸的境地,但我也为放弃它而感到难过。 它起初是一个非常出色的托管平台,但它仍然具有某些特殊方面,我知道我会丢失。 按重要性顺序:
  • : it is much more powerful than , especially for the extremely customizable labeling system which is pure gold, the excellent searching system and the . GC bug tracker seriously kicks some ass so kudos to whoever was behind its design! By comparison github bug tracker is too minimalistic and it has no good way to order issues or list them in a more compact form. I’m totally gonna miss psutil bug tracker.
  • Mercurial: I’m a big fan of Mercurial and I consider it way more pleasant to work with . I don’t know exactly why GIT ended up being so much more used than Mercurial (probably because of github?) but I’m sure that many other guys like me who know both systems will agree that Mercurial is simply so much easier to use. Unfortunately once you decide to stick with github you have no other choice. Mercurial, I’m gonna miss you too!
  • GC layout: it is much simpler than github’s! Everything is easy to find, even for a non-geek person. The home page alone is perfect to summarize what the project is about and doesn’t have tens of icons all over the place. github layout is and needs some time to get used to, even for a programmer. If these projects (psutil and others) weren’t about programming I wouldn’t have chosen github because it’s “not for the masses”.
  • :它比 功能强大得多,特别是对于极其可定制的纯金标签系统,出色的搜索系统和 。 GC Bug跟踪器会严重影响那些设计背后的人! 相比之下,github bug跟踪器太简单了,它没有很好的方法来排序问题或以更紧凑的形式列出它们。 我完全想念psutil错误追踪器。
  • Mercurial :我是Mercurial的忠实拥护者, ,我认为与它合作更愉快。 我不知道为什么GIT最终会比Mercurial这么多使用(可能是因为github?),但是我敢肯定,像我这样的很多人都知道这两个系统都会同意Mercurial这么容易使用。 不幸的是,一旦您决定坚持使用github,您别无选择。 水星,我也会想念你的!
  • GC布局 :它比github的简单得多! 一切都很容易找到,即使对于非怪胎的人也是如此。 仅主页是一个完美的项目摘要,它概述了项目的内容,并且整个地方都没有数十个图标。 github的布局 ,即使对于程序员来说,也需要一些时间来习惯。 如果这些项目(psutil和其他项目)与编程无关,那么我不会选择github,因为它“不适合大众”。

我对github的欣赏 ( What I appreciate about github)

  • Travis integration: there’s this totally awesome free continuos integration service called which given a configuration file  it will automatically run tests on multiple python versions every time a commit is pushed. They recently added and . This way I will finally be able to quickly test psutil on Linux, OSX and Windows without using virtualized systems except for FreeBSD and Solaris! To me this is like the ultimate Christmas gift and I couldn’t ask for any better. Note: as of today Travis only works with github.
  • forks and pull requests: honestly I’m not a big fan of them (yet?), probably because I’m used to the python-dev development workflow consisting in uploading patches on the bug tracker and reviewing them (see for example). Nevertheless to my understanding most people use pull requests in order to contribute to open source projects so basically this is a service I’m glad to offer to my users who hopefully will be able to contribute back more easily. GC has a but isn’t anywhere near github’s and I’m not even sure how it works (never cared).
  • the “social” side of github including the fact that you can “star” developers and receive notifications about their activity was another big incentive for migrating. The collecting all your contributions to different projects is absolutely cool. GC had something similar but they stupidly all of the sudden and never reintroduced it back. but again, they didn’t care. Actually this was the feature I appreciated the most about GC after the bug tracker and that is when I seriously started thinking about flipping off GC for good. 
  • the enormous user base: the fact that github is the most used code hosting platform out there will hopefully help me and my projects have a little more visibility. Also, in many job interviews I’ve been asked what my github profile was so it seems github also became an active part in getting jobs.
  • gists: are “a simple way to share code snippets and pastes with others. All gists are Git repositories, so they are automatically versioned, forkable and usable from Git”. Seriously, they are  beautiful. In order to  but I think I will eventually migrate them as well in order to have everything in one place.
  • the fact that if you mention an issue number as part of your commit message that specific issue will automatically be updated. As I said GC bug tracker is superior in basically any aspect but since I always took care of updating issues by mentioning the specific cset which fixed them (see for example ) having this little extra feature will save me some time. 
  • SSH keys: using Mercurial on GC means using password based authentication. Incredibly they still do not support SSH key based auth. Simply “git push”ing without entering any password when I’m not on my laptop is nice, and of course, it is also much more secure.
  • 特拉维斯集成 :有称这完全真棒免费连续的集成服务它给出一个配置文件在多个版本的Python每次提交推时它会自动运行测试。 他们最近增加了对并且对 。 这样,我最终将能够在Linux,OSX和Windows上快速测试psutil,而无需使用除FreeBSD和Solaris以外的虚拟化系统! 对我来说,这就像终极的圣诞节礼物,我再也不能要求更好了。 注意:到目前为止,Travis仅适用于github。
  • fork和pull请求 :说实话,我还不喜欢它们(还可以吗?),可能是因为我已经习惯了python-dev开发工作流程,包括在Bug跟踪器上上传补丁并进行审查(例如,请参阅示例) 。 尽管如此,据我所知,大多数人使用请求请求来为开源项目做出贡献,因此,基本上,这是我很高兴为希望能够更轻松地做出贡献的用户提供的服务。 GC有一个但是它离github并不远,而且我什至不知道它是如何工作的(从不在乎)。
  • github的“社交”方面包括您可以“星标”开发人员并接收有关其活动的通知,这是迁移的另一个重要诱因。 收集您对不同项目所做的所有贡献的绝对很棒。 GC有类似的东西,但他们突然将其愚蠢地 ,并且从未将其重新引入。 但又一次,他们不在乎。 实际上,这是我在Bug跟踪器之后最欣赏的GC功能,也就是当我认真考虑永久关闭GC的时候。
  • 庞大的用户基础:github是目前使用最广泛的代码托管平台,这一事实有望对我和我的项目有所帮助。 另外,在许多工作面试中,我被问到我的github个人资料是什么,因此github似乎也成为了获得工作的活跃部分。
  • 要点: 是“与他人共享代码段和粘贴的一种简单方法。 所有要点都是Git存储库,因此可以从Git自动对其进行版本控制,存储和使用。 说真的,它们很漂亮。 为了但是我想我最终也会迁移它们,以便将所有内容都放在一个地方。
  • 如果您在提交消息中提及问题编号,则该特定问题将自动更新。 正如我所说的那样,GC Bug Tracker基本上在任何方面都比较出色,但是由于我一直通过提及解决问题的特定cset(例如参见 )来更新问题,因此具有一点额外的功能将为我节省一些时间。
  • SSH密钥 :在GC上使用Mercurial意味着使用基于密码的身份验证。 令人难以置信的是,他们仍然不支持基于SSH密钥的身份验证。 当我不在笔记本电脑上时,只需简单地“ git push”输入而不输入任何密码就可以了,当然,它也更加安全。

移民 ( Migration)



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